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2 by 2 courtesy of SpearFront

Media Collaboration Pairing

Welcome to 2 by 2 by SpearFront. There are many apologists and media outlets to choose from. Among the many challenges todays apologists face is new content and people with new ideas.  Here

Video Conference


Here we allow apologists with media outlets such as YouTube or a podcast to invite you as a guest to their media outlet.



Here we post host apologists to get them new content and find fresh guest with specific topics and ideas to choose from.



This form will advertise you to host who can connect with you for apologetic based media interviews.

This information will be public and by using 2 by 2 resources you agree to publication of all information you place and understand SpearFront is not liable nor responsible for any misuse or other issues resulting from or because of publication of this information.

Have you been in videos or podcast before? Have you debated or discussed for online media production before? Please leave a description and place links.

Thanks for submitting!

A Man and a woman participating in a radio show


This form will advertise you to  guest who can connect with you for apologetic based media interviews.

This information will be public and by using 2 by 2 resources you agree to publication of all information you place and understand SpearFront is not liable nor responsible for any misuse or other issues resulting from or because of publication of this information.

Are you activly seeking new guest or content for your media outlet?

Thanks for submitting!

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